SEO Checklist for 2024: Boost Your Website Rankings

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SEO Checklist

Ready to take on the SEO game and win Google’s heart? Buckle up because this SEO checklist takes you through every nook and cranny of SEO. 

From fixing very basic problems to advanced techniques, we’ll help you climb the search rankings like a pro. And yes, we’re keeping things light and fun because who said SEO had to be boring?

Use This Checklist to Improve Your SEO


SEO feels like rocket science, but fear not—this checklist will break it down step by step. By the end, you’ll feel like an SEO wizard ready to cast your website to the top of the search results. If not? At least, it will make you laugh a lot.

SEO Basics Checklist: First, Let’s Make Google Like You


Imagine Google as a high-maintenance friend: You’ve got to get the fundamentals right before they’ll give you the time of day. Here is how:

Install Google Analytics and Search Console 


If you do not know what’s happening on your website, you’re driving blindfolded. Would you? Install these tools so you can see what’s working and what’s a mess.

Submit a sitemap


Think of it as handing Google a treasure map of your site. No map? Good luck getting found.

Optimize for mobile


Imagine showing up at a party in a tuxedo when everyone is wearing sweatpants. That’s your non-mobile-friendly site in today’s world. Make it fit the devices people actually use. Hint : it’s their phones.

Speed up


Nobody likes a slowpoke. Use Google PageSpeed Insights to make your site faster than your morning coffee run.

Keyword Research Checklist: Find the Magic Words


Keywords are like secret passwords for the internet. Get them right, and you’ll enter the VIP section of Google’s search results.

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs


It’s like using a metal detector on the beach. No tool, no treasure.

Spy on competitor keywords


Not literally, of course (unless you want to get banned). Use tools to see what keywords your rivals are ranking for. It’s like borrowing their homework, but without getting caught.

Go long-tail or go home


Targeting “shoes”? Good luck. Try “bright yellow running shoes with arch support,” and you might actually get some clicks.

Sprinkle keywords like salt


If you over-season your food, it is ruined. If you overuse your keywords, Google will serve your site a penalty dish. Keep it natural.

Technical SEO Checklist: Time to Geek Out


Think of technical SEO as the engine under the hood. Nobody sees it, but if it’s broken you aren’t going anywhere.

Clean up your URLs


Your URL shouldn’t look like a ransom note. It should be short, sweet, and keyword-rich. Like “” not “”

Fix broken links


Nobody likes hitting a dead end. Use Screaming Frog or another tool to fix broken links before the users start screaming at you.

HTTPS is a must


If your website does not have HTTPS, it’s like opening shop in some bad neighborhood with no security. Time to lock it down.

Schema markup is your wingman


Want Google to know you better? Use schema markup. It’s like giving Google a cheat sheet for what your content is all about.

Content & On-Page SEO Checklist: Make Google Say “Wow”


It’s the party life – your content. And if it is dull or utterly irrelevant to what your customers want, no one is going to sit there. Here’s how to create engaging content.

Title tags and meta descriptions


These are like the pickup lines of the SEO world. Without something catchy, nobody is clicking. Use your keyword in these, but work hard to make them snappy.

Use headings (H1, H2, H3)


Write in novel style, not stream-of-consciousness thoughts. Headings assist users and Google to understand what you are talking about. Imagine an organized sock drawer where H1 = drawer, H2 = socks, and H3 = left-foot ones.

Internal linking


It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for your visitors to follow. Guide them through your site with related links. Bonus points if they actually lead to more cool stuff.

Optimize images


Huge image files? More like huge slowdowns. Compress those images and use descriptive alt text—think “dog-eating-a-birthday-cake.jpg” instead of “IMG_9877.” Google likes to know what it’s looking at.

Off-Page SEO Checklist: Making Friends (and Backlinks)


On-page SEO is the face-that is, the look-off-page SEO is the charm. Other people just have to talk about you.

Quality backlinks


Picture this: a new restaurant. Quality backlinks are rave reviews that get people – and Google – to check you out. Just don’t pay for them-that’s like bribing critics, and Google certainly does notice.

Guest post


Find publications and write for others’ sites, slipping in a backlink to yours. It’s party crashing-but this party’s cooler.

Go social


Share your work across social media. Google says that no matter how many times you share on social media, those shares do not contribute to ranking. However, the buzz you create won’t hurt. It’s a free megaphone for your brand.

Keep your backlink profile clean


Just like you would want to imagine inviting some friend over to your fancy dinner party, and this friend brings his friend in order to dine on their hands, low quality backlinks are that friend. Disavow them before they ruin your SEO dinner.

Put This SEO Checklist Into Action (Before Your Competitors Do)


So, now that you have the goods, it’s time to get down to business. So, optimization for mobile, broken links, title tags, and spice those up. Then comes the more advanced stuff-getting links built in and adding schema markup.

SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Screaming Frog are the Bat Gadgets of SEO Tools. They will give you a quick hope to watch out for errors, keep up with your progress and make sure you’re not flying with your eyes closed.

Track site traffic and ranking. And if the two are showing them increasing significantly, adjust the approach before Google does on your rank to page two (or worse).

To keep up with the trend: SEO is a fashion. It changes every day. Keep your SEO wardrobe fresh by keeping track of all the “fashion blogs” and “seasoning” appropriately.

Master SEO, Get Ranking, Stay Winning


And, with this checklist, you’ll become an SEO rookie turned a rockstar in no time. Consistency is the key here: continue to optimize, track progress, and you will always be ahead of the game. SEO is not something that you do at one point in time; it’s somewhat of a way of life.

Just follow these tips, hold on tight and be patient, and Google will make your site its smorgasbord to feed searchers from around the globe. Now go forth and conquer the web, SEO warrior!

Ready to Boost Your Rankings?


If you’re ready to build up your website’s visibility, then it’s time to bring this SEO checklist to action. Whether you choose to do it by yourself or get professional assistance, being on the ball and taking proactive steps is critical to achieving more. Of course, Exaalgia is here to offer you customized SEO Services USA to help you fine-tune every part of your website to drive more organic traffic. So, reach out today to learn how we can take your SEO strategy to new heights.

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