How to Optimize the Homepage of your Online Store

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Do you know how to optimize the homepage of your online store? Then this is the right blog for you.

A homepage is vital for any website. Showcasing your important points such as missions, vision, clients, testimonials, important pages, etc. helps you to establish trust, make a brand, and generate more leads.

Making it the most important landing page of an online store.

Why it is important?

The first impression is important. Your homepage speaks for your brand.

Homepage helps you to make a trust for your brand by showing your mission, vision, and products, and displaying your client’s list or testimonials.

Linking your important product pages to the homepage, makes your users find the products or categories very easily.

It is also important to design a clean webpage structure, displaying all information in a systematic approach makes it esier for users to find what they are looking for.

How and what to show on homepage?

A homepage must be user-friendly and well optimized for search results such as Google, Bing, etc. When user visit hompage, they must see –

  • Logo or brand name, sub heading.
  • Featured, top and highest selling products.
  • Easy “Buy Now” option.
  • Customers testimionals.
  • Product reviews.
  • Easy navigation.

Aprt form homepage design, to achieve the top ranking objectives you need to follow SEO best practice.

Optimization of Homepage

This has to achive from two points. 1. User-optimization 2. On-page optimization


Whenever a user lands on your homepage they must see all the nessary information in the first fold. These information elements are –

  • Website Logo
  • Contact Information
  • Menu Options
  • Offers
  • Bold Headings
  • Call to Action buttons
  • Link to Account Login or Shopping Cart

You can take inspiration from the e-Commerce giants such as Amazon,, Myntra etc.

You should also have a responsive website design to provide a more customized experience to users on mobile phones.

On-page optimization

In this step, optimize your website homepage for search engines. Examine the following factors below –

SSL secured website

Having a secure certificate installed on your server and properly configured is a must for all eCommerce store websites. Having an https website is good for SEO.

Home page Title

It is the first thing what user sees in SERPs. It should be maximum 60-70 on character. it is important because it gives a big hint to search engines on what your website is all about and it is shown in rich snippets.

Home page meta description

A good description has a positive effect on the click-through rate. Write a description under 160 characters with magnets words, location, and summary of what you’re offering.

H1 tag

H1 gives another hint to SERPs on what the page content is about. Best SEO Consultants in America recommends using your main keyword as an H1 tag.

Content and keywords usage

Instead of just having image content, convert your banners or call-to-action links into HTML so that search engine spiders can understand the content. Make sure the content is unique and included with your targeted keywords.

Images SEO

To ensure potential buyers purchase your products, enhance the appearance of your online shop and make it highly appealing. Use high definition images, add alt text, and caption keywords naturally. Check out image optimization best practice.

Structured data

To make search engines understand the context of your page, use a pre-defined set of schemas. If you have an eCommerce store, use structured data to give Google more details about your website and brand. You can generate schema code via Google structured data helper under the relevant category of your business.

Footer and what content to include

Last but not least, don’t forget your website’s footer. The footer is, of course, part of the homepage and all other pages. Things to add to your footer according to professional SEO service company –

  1. Links to the main section (main categories and pages) of your website.
  2. Trust logos- Paypal verified, MacAfee, verified, BBB Verified, etc.
  3. Contact details- Include your phone number and address and links to your contact us page.
  4. Your Logo
  5. Links to Privacy Policy, Sitemap, Returns & Refunds, and T&C.
  6. Social media pages buttons
  7. A way for users to register for an email newsletter.

As a final word, having an optimized homepage is crucial for the success of your online store or website.  Keep things simple for your prospects and search engines.

Exaalgia is one of the top compant in the USA, we are specialized in a digital marketing and web development sector, you can contact us for your online store homepage redesign or hire us for e-Commerce SEO services.

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